Resources, Fees
and General information

Sanatain Course

Resources, Fees
and General information


Most resources will be used as PDF versions online, however students are encouraged to buy these books as hard copies to study from. This will also help limit the use of screen activity for prolonged time.

The books that are not available online and will require purchasing are :


  • • Gift for Muslims -there is a discount available if ordered directly online

  • •. Tajweed



The Sanatain course runs over 2 years and is £1000 in total. 

To secure your place, payments of £500/yr is requested at the time of enrolment to ensure delivery of the course.

An admin fee of £30 is required for registration.

Sibling discounts are available upon request.


General information

SSA follows the schools academic calendar and will run in term time only (approx. 36 weeks). Tuesday – Friday 5.30pm – 7.30pm.

The calendar will be shared with students after enrolment.



In order to be awarded the Sanatain certification at the end of course, students must ensure that at minimum 85% of the course has been attended punctually.