A Sanatain is an abridged two-year version of the six-year Alimiyyah course that teaches the fundamentals of deen required to live in accordance to the guidance of Islam inshaAllah.
Although understanding of the Arabic language is not a prerequisite to study our Sanatain course, students are required to be able to read Arabic, as Hadeeth, Duaas and Quranic ayaahs will be read and translated from their original form.
To study a Sanatain course, Arabic is not a requirement and the full benefit of the course can still be achieved without it.
From experience over a number of years, we have found that when students take on learning a new language alongside the practical and theoretical study, it can be strenuous and difficult to master, as a result, it can be off putting to continue the course, as a lot of time, dedication and effort is needed to successfully achieve this.
Therefore, we have designed our curriculum without Arabic language and literature modules so that it is easy to understand and study, moulding into busy lifestyles while allowing our students to comfortably study and embed the fundamentals of deen into their daily lives.
By opting for this solution, secondary school students are able to benefit from studying the course due to the ease of learning.
We will inshaAllah be looking to offer an exclusive Arabic course for students interested after the completion of the Sanatain course, when they are able to dedicate and commit to this fully.
Our tailored curriculum ensures that specific topics have been selected that benefit the needs of the students.
This is spread equally across 2 years making the syllabus manageable to complete within the time allocated.
The next 2 slides will give you an idea of how the syllabus is broken up to ensure pace is maintained for guaranteed completion, and to assure learning outcomes are met.
The following images will give you an idea of how the syllabus is broken up to ensure pace is maintained for guaranteed completion, and to assure learning outcomes are met.
Monitoring and measuring student success and outcomes throughout learning is vital to ensure students are progressing effectively.
Assessments in the form of assignments or end of module questions will be set to evaluate whether or not the goals of the learning are being met.
As shown in the over view plan, these will take place every few weeks, spaced out per subject to determine whether student outcomes are being met.
Students will submit their assignment upon completion and this will be marked within 2 weeks using the grading system pass/ redo to support critical thinking, reasoning, and reflection thus ensuring students are progressing successfully.
Our online Sanatain course will be delivered through Google Classroom.
Live lessons will take place for all lessons and students are required to keep their cameras on and facing them for the duration of the lessons.
We expect students to take notes during lessons for their own reference.
Student Email
To keep studies separate from personal use, students are required to create a gmail account using their first initial and surname followed by SSA@gmail.com to use for their online studies.
Eg, Fatima Khan would register as FKhanSSA@gmail.com
Once enrolled, students will be invited into the Sacred Scroll Academy Classroom.
The lesson link will be posted in the stream to join per lesson. This helps the lessons stay secure and private.
Only those invited to the classroom will have access to this.
The stream will be used as a means to communicate outside of lessons and to post general reminders, discussion topics etc.
As can be seen in this picture, course modules are split up in categories under the classwork tab. Students will find their assessment questions, related work under the respective categories.
Students can submit work privately online through this too.
We are committed to delivering our Sanatain course to the best standards possible. In order to achieve this we will use the following methods to ensure quality assurance.
◉ Meetings
◉ Trainings
◉ Professional developments
◉ Audits
◉ Grading systems
◉ Teaching standards
◉ Monitoring student Progress through assessments, regular checks etc.
Progression pathways
◉ Alimah course
◉ Further learning in Islamic studies
◉ Maktab teaching
◉ Teaching basic Islamic studies
◉ Tuition
Students will be awarded a Sanatain Diploma Certificate upon completion of the course with an attached cover letter to outline what has been studied.
Sacred Scroll Academy is an Islamic online learning platform created from the desire to cater for individuals around the UK to study deen online.