Online Sanatain Course
Two year concise Islamic studies course equipping you with the fundamentals of Islam.

Two year concise Islamic studies course equipping you with the fundamentals of Islam.
Welcome to Sacred Scroll Academy
Sacred Scroll Academy is an Islamic online learning platform created from the desire to cater for individuals around the UK to study deen online.
We recognise that due to various reasons, face to face learning is not always feasible for a lot of women who have the zeal to learn the teachings of Islam.
A Sanatain is an abridged two-year version of the six-year Alimiyyah course that teaches the fundamentals of deen required to live in accordance to the guidance of Islam inshaAllah.
A 2-year online Fiqh course for women aged 16+, covering the essential practicals of Islam with emphasis on female related rulings.
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Sacred Scroll Academy is an Islamic online learning platform created from the desire to cater for individuals around the UK to study deen online.